The Hellboy Universe Publishing Order
1. Core Comics of the Hellboy Universe by Publishing Order
Due to post limitations, this list will be divided up into sections.
This section lists which trades are in which book.
3. Novels of the Hellboy Universe by Publishing Order
Please note, I don't collect the novels myself. I rely on other people for this information.
4. Stories of the Baltimore Universe by Publishing Order
This section lists the novel and the later comics of the Baltimore Universe.
This section lists the upcoming issues according to the solicitations.
This just lists various collections that are in the making.
7. Digital Availability
A list of all the currently available ebooks.
7B. Dark Horse Digital Store
A list of which stories are available on the Dark Horse Digital Store.
III. Out-of-Continuity Stories
At the suggestion of Kees_L, this section links to other useful lists out there.
9. Solicitations
The latest solicitation information.
Core Comics of the Hellboy Universe by Publishing Order: 1993-2010
This list includes core stories that are or will be collected in the primary Hellboy Universe trade paperbacks. It will not include cross-overs, guest appearances, Hellboy Junior comics or RPG comics.
Publishing order is based on the first appearance of the first issue or part of that comic, thus The Corpse goes before The Chained Coffin as it ran as a multi-part series before it was collected with The Iron Shoes.
This list cab be used as a reading order for the Hellboy Universe. You get the story elements as they evolve, a healthy balance of pre-Cavendish Hellboy stories and post-Cavendish Hellboy stories, no spoilers, and you can see Mignola growing as an artist and storyteller.
Finally, the colours correlate to the spines of the trade paperbacks the stories are collected in.
Red is Hellboy, Hellboy in Hell and Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.
Olive is B.P.R.D. and B.P.R.D. Vampire
Grey is B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth and B.P.R.D. The Devil You Know
《BPRD:人间地狱》《BPRD:The Devil You Know》
Blue is Lobster Johnson
Green is Abe Sapien
Brown is Sir Edward Grey, Witchfinder and Frankenstein Underground
Orange is Sledgehammer 44
Purple is Rise of the Black Flame
Turquoise is The Visitor: How & Why He Stayed
AUGUST 19 ― Hellboy Promo #1 Hellboy 1
MARCH 1 ― Seed of Destruction Hellboy 1 (毁灭之芽)
MAY 20 ― Hellboy Promo #2 Hellboy 1
AUGUST 1 ― The Wolves of Saint August Hellboy 3
MARCH ― The Corpse Hellboy 3
AUGUST 2 ― The Chained Coffin Hellboy 3
JANUARY 1 ― The Iron Shoes Hellboy 3
JUNE 1 ― Wake the Devil Hellboy 2
JUNE 25 ― Almost Colossus Hellboy 3
DECEMBER 3 ― A Christmas Underground Hellboy 3
MARCH 4 ― Drums of the Dead B.P.R.D. 1 (亡灵的鼓声,收录在第一本)
MARCH 4 ― Heads Hellboy 4
AUGUST 5 ― The Baba Yaga Hellboy 3 (雅佳婆婆)
AUGUST 26 ― The Right Hand of Doom Hellboy 4 (毁灭的右手)
AUGUST 1 ― The Vârcolac Hellboy 4
AUGUST 4 ― Goodbye Mr. Tod Hellboy 4
AUGUST 11 ― Pancakes Hellboy 4
AUGUST 11 ― Box Full of Evil Hellboy 4
AUGUST 11 ― The Killer in My Skull B.P.R.D. 1 (BPRD:杀戮的意志)
SEPTEMBER 8 ― Abe Sapien versus Science B.P.R.D. 1 (亚伯。。科学的对立面)
FEBRUARY 16 ― The Nature of the Beast Hellboy 4
APRIL 26 ― King Vold Hellboy 4
MAY 9 ― Conqueror Worm Hellboy 5 (征服之虫)
DECEMBER 5 ― B.P.R.D. Promo B.P.R.D. 1
JANUARY 30 ― Hollow Earth B.P.R.D. 1 (空心地球)
JULY 24 ― The Third Wish Hellboy 6 (三个愿望)
MAY 14 ― The Soul of Venice B.P.R.D. 2 (威尼斯之魂)
JULY 23 ― Dark Waters B.P.R.D. 2 (黑水之域)
AUGUST 27 ― Dr. Carp's Experiment Hellboy 7 (卡普博士的历险)
SEPTEMBER 17 ― Night Train B.P.R.D.2 (午夜列车)
NOVEMBER 19 ― There's Something Under My Bed B.P.R.D. 2 (床下有鬼)
MARCH ― The Penanggalan Hellboy 7 (庞南加兰)
MARCH ― Born Again B.P.R.D. 4 (BPRD.04 短篇 重生)
MARCH 3 ― Plague of Frogs B.P.R.D. 3 (蛙族瘟疫)
JULY 7 ― The Troll-Witch Hellboy 7 (巨魔巫医)
AUGUST 25 ― Another Day at the Office B.P.R.D. 2 (外勤探员的日常)
NOVEMBER 3 ― The Dead B.P.R.D. 4 (斯人已逝)
JUNE 1 ― The Ghoul (or Reflections on Death and The Poetry of Worms) Hellboy 7 (食尸鬼/死亡倒影/蠕虫之歌)
JUNE 22 ― The Island Hellboy 6 (神秘海域/神秘岛)
AUGUST 31 ― The Black Flame B.P.R.D. 5 (黑焰使徒)
FEBRUARY 1 ― Makoma (or A Tale Told by a Mummy in the New York City Explorers' Club on August 16, 1993) Hellboy 7 (马科玛)
APRIL 12 ― The Universal Machine B.P.R.D. 6 (万能机械)
DECEMBER 13 ― The Hydra and the Lion Hellboy 7 (九头蛇与狮子)
FEBRUARY 23 ― They That Go Down to the Sea in Ships Hellboy 10 (他们随船沉入海)
MARCH 14 ― Garden of Souls B.P.R.D. 7 (BPRD.08 灵魂花园)
MAY 2 ― Darkness Calls Hellboy 8 (黑暗召唤 6/6)
AUGUST 8 ― Killing Ground B.P.R.D. 8 (BPRD.09 杀戮地带)
SEPTEMBER 5 ― The Iron Prometheus Lobster Johnson 1 (大螯虾强生1:钢铁普罗米修斯)
OCTOBER 3 ― The Vampire of Prague Hellboy 7 (布拉格的吸血鬼)
JANUARY 9 ― 1946 B.P.R.D.: 1946 (老爷子的大冒险1946)
FEBRUARY 6 ― The Drowning Abe Sapien 1 (亚伯·塞皮恩 1:溺亡)
MARCH 5 ― Revival B.P.R.D. 12 "Chapter 2"
MAY 3 ― The Mole Hellboy 10 / Hellboy LE 5 (黑素瘤)
MAY 3 ― Bishop Olek’s Devil B.P.R.D.: 1946 (老爷子大冒险1946)
MAY 3 ― Out of Reach B.P.R.D. 10 (BPRD.09 短篇.遥不可及)
JUNE 11 ― War on Frogs #1 B.P.R.D. 12 "Chapter 1" (蛙人之战 #1)
JUNE 25 ― The Ectoplasmic Man B.P.R.D.: Being Human (BPRD13 通灵师)
JULY 2 ― The Crooked Man Hellboy 10 (驼背老汉)
JULY 9 ― The Warning B.P.R.D. 10 (BPRD.10 焦土三部曲 厄运之兆)
AUGUST 13 ― Witchball! Hellboy 10 (巫术球)
OCTOBER 29 ― In the Chapel of Moloch Hellboy 10 (摩洛克神殿)
NOVEMBER 5 ― Murderous Intent Witchfinder 1 (猎巫人:谋杀企图)-放在了天使之令pdf中
DECEMBER 3 ― The Wild Hunt Hellboy 9 (大捕猎 8/8)
DECEMBER 10 ― War on Frogs #2 B.P.R.D. 12 "Chapter 3" (蛙人之战 #2)
JANUARY 7 ― How Koshchei Became Deathless Hellboy: Weird Tales (HC)
JANUARY 14 ― The Black Goddess B.P.R.D. 11 (BPRD.11 焦土三部曲 黑暗女神)
MARCH 4 ― Baba Yaga's Feast Hellboy: Weird Tales (HC)
JUNE 6 ― And What Shall I Find There? B.P.R.D.: 1947 (老爷子大冒险1947)
JUNE 10 ― War on Frogs #3 B.P.R.D. 12 "Chapter 5" (蛙人之战 #3)
JULY 1 ― In the Service of Angels Witchfinder 1 (猎巫人:天使之令)
JULY 8 ― 1947 B.P.R.D.: 1947 (老爷子的大冒险 1947)
OCTOBER 14 ― The Burial of Katharine Baker Witchfinder 1 (猎巫人:凯瑟琳·巴克的葬礼)-放在了天使之令pdf中
OCTOBER 28 ― The Haunted Boy Abe Sapien 2 (亚伯·塞皮恩 2 :鬼上身)
DECEMBER 9 ― War on Frogs #4 B.P.R.D. 12 "Chapter 4" (蛙人之战 #4)
DECEMBER 23 ― The Bride of Hell Hellboy 11 (地狱新娘)
JANUARY 6 ― King of Fear B.P.R.D. 14 (BPRD.12 焦土三部曲 恐惧之王)
MAY 5 ― Hellboy in Mexico (or A Drunken Blur) Hellboy 11 (地狱小子:墨西哥大冒险/漫长的宿醉)
JUNE 30 ― The Abyssal Plain Abe Sapien 2 (亚伯·塞皮恩 2 :深海平原)
JULY 7 ― The Storm Hellboy 12 (地狱小子:山雨欲来 3/3)
AUGUST 11 ― New World B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 1
OCTOBER 11 ― The Whittier Legacy Hellboy 11 (惠蒂尔的遗产)
NOVEMBER 17 ― Double Feature of Evil: Sullivan's Reward & The House of Sebek Hellboy 11 (邪典双专场:1.苏利文的奖赏。2.索贝克之屋)
DECEMBER 29 ― The Sleeping and the Dead Hellboy 11 (沉睡的死灵)
JANUARY 12 ― Gods B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 2
FEBRUARY 2 ― Lost and Gone Forever Witchfinder 2 (猎巫人2:永远消逝)
MARCH 4 ― Seattle B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 1 (BPRD人间地狱1:鏖战西雅图)
APRIL 6 ― The Dead Remembered B.P.R.D.: Being Human (BPRD13 :逝者不忘)
APRIL 13 ― Buster Oakley Gets His Wish Hellboy 11 (巴斯特·奥克莱得偿所愿)
MAY 11 ― Being Human B.P.R.D.: Being Human
JUNE 1 ― The Fury Hellboy 12 (地狱小子:怒火燎原 3/3)
JULY 1 ― Casualties B.P.R.D.: Being Human
JULY 13 ― Monsters B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 2 (人间地狱:众兽)
SEPTEMBER 21 ― Russia B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 3 (BPRD人间地狱:俄罗斯)
SEPTEMBER 28 ― The Devil Does Not Jest Abe Sapien 2 (亚伯·塞皮恩 2 :恶魔不说笑)
NOVEMBER 2 ― House of the Living Dead Hellboy in Mexico
DECEMBER 21 ― Hellboy versus the Aztec Mummy Hellboy in Mexico
JANUARY 11 ― The Burning Hand Lobster Johnson 2 (大螯虾强生2:炽热虾鳌)
FEBRUARY 1 ― An Unmarked Grave B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 3 (人间地狱:无名者墓)
FEBRUARY 15 ― The Long Death B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 4 (人间地狱:漫长的死亡)
FEBRUARY 22 ― Tony Masso’s Finest Hour Lobster Johnson 3 (大螯虾强生3:心生疑窦)
MARCH 28 ― The Pickens County Horror B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 5 (人间地狱:皮肯斯郡恐怖故事 2/2)
MAY 16 ― The Devil’s Engine B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 4 (人间地狱:恶魔引擎)
MAY 30 ― The Transformation of J.H. O'Donnell B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 5 (人间地狱:J·H·奥唐纳教授的转变)
JUNE 27 ― Exorcism B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 14 (人间地狱:驱魔记 2/2)
AUGUST 22 ― The Prayer of Neferu Lobster Johnson 3 (大螯虾强生3:尼斐鲁的祷告)
AUGUST 29 ― The Return of the Master B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 6 (人间地狱:魔主再临 5/5)
SEPTEMBER 19 ― Caput Mortuum Lobster Johnson 3 (大螯虾强生3:死无全尸)
OCTOBER 17 ― 1948 B.P.R.D.: 1948 (老爷子大冒险1948)
DECEMBER 5 ― Hellboy in Hell #1-4 Hellboy in Hell 1 (地狱篇(魔族血统、地狱魔窟、家族纽带、骑象死神))
JANUARY 9 ― The Abyss of Time B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 5 (人间地狱:时间的深渊 2/2)
MARCH 13 ― Sledgehammer 44 Sledgehammer 44 1 (碎骨锤44 碎骨锤)
MARCH 20 ― A Cold Day in Hell B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 7 (人间地狱:地狱寒冬 2/2)
MARCH 27 ― Vampire B.P.R.D. Vampire 1 (老爷子大冒险:吸血鬼)
APRIL 3 ― Dark and Terrible Abe Sapien 3 (亚伯·塞皮恩 3,黑暗恐怖之处)
MAY 15 ― Wasteland B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 7 (人间地狱:人人自危的荒原 3/3)
MAY 22 ― Satan Smells a Rat Lobster Johnson 3 (大鳌虾强生3:心生疑窦)
JULY 3 ― The New Race of Man Abe Sapien 3 (亚伯·塞皮恩 3:次世代新人类)
JULY 24 ― A Scent of Lotus Lobster Johnson 3 (大鳌虾强生3:莲花香)
AUGUST 21 ― Lake of Fire B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 8 (人间地狱:烈焰之湖)
OCTOBER 16 ― The Shape of Things to Come Abe Sapien 4 (亚伯·塞皮恩 4 来者之形)
OCTOBER 23 ― The Midnight Circus Hellboy Omnibus: The Complete Short Stories ― Volume 1 (地狱小子-午夜马戏团)
NOVEMBER 27 ― Sledgehammer 44: Lightning War Sledgehammer 44 1 (碎骨锤44:闪电战 3/3)
DECEMBER 4 ― Hellboy in Hell: The Three Gold Whips Hellboy in Hell 1 (地狱篇1:三条金鞭)
DECEMBER 11 ― The Land of the Dead Abe Sapien 9 (亚伯·塞皮恩 4 亡者之地 在PDF04里面)
DECEMBER 18 ― Hellboy Gets Married Hellboy in Mexico
JANUARY 8 ― To the Last Man Abe Sapien 4 (亚伯·塞皮恩 4 直至最后一人)
JANUARY 15 ― The Reign of the Black Flame B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 9 (人间地狱:黑焰王朝 5/5)
FEBRUARY 5 ― Get the Lobster Lobster Johnson 4 (大螯虾强生:搞掂鳌虾)
MARCH 22 ― The Coffin Man Hellboy in Mexico
MAY 14 ― The Garden (I) Abe Sapien 5 (亚伯·塞皮恩 5 伊甸园1)
MAY 14 ― The Death Card Hellboy in Hell 2 (地狱篇2:塔罗死神)
MAY 21 ― Beware the Ape Witchfinder 3 (猎巫人:当心猿猴)
JUNE 11 ― The Healer Abe Sapien 5 (亚伯·塞皮恩 5 治疗师)
JUNE 18 ― The Mysteries of Unland Witchfinder 3 (猎巫人:无土之地之谜)
JUNE 18 ― The Devil's Wings B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 10 (人间地狱:恶魔之翼)
JULY 9 ― Visions, Dreams, and Fishin' Abe Sapien 5 (亚伯·塞皮恩 5 幻·梦·渔)